Footsteps of Paul

7 Churches of
Revelation Tour

Footsteps of Paul

7 Churches of
Revelation Tour

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About Seven Churches Tour

Enjoy this Turkey seven churches tour

During 7 churches of revelation tour you can visit the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, all located in the Aegean part of Turkey. This is a spiritual journey to the lands of the Book of Revelation

Please click on 7 churches map to zoom in

Seven Churches of Revelation Tour Itinerary:

  • 1th Day: Smyrna and Pergamon tour.
  • 2nd Day: Sardes, Thyatira and Philadelphia tour.
  • 3rd Day: Pamukkale and Leodiceia Tour.
  • 4th Day: Ephesus and Basilica of St. John tour.

1st Day: the Suffering Church and  the Compromising Church

  • After we meet in Izmir, we will visit Smyrna, “the suffering church” and the (“Do not be afraid of anything that you are going to suffer. Indeed, the devil will throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will face an ordeal for ten days”), home of great 2nd century Bishop Policarp who was burned alive at the age of 85.
  • Then we will continue to Pergamum, “the compromising church”; Revelation 2:12-16 describes the city as “where Satan’s seat is”, a reference to the altar of Zeus. After the tour return to Izmir. Dinner and overnight at your hotel in Izmir.

2 nd Day: the Adulterous Church, the Dead Church, the Faithful Church


  • Depart for the visit to Thyatira, “the adulterous church” that, as mentioned in the Revelations, tolerated the false prophets, Jezebel (Rev. 1: 11; 2: 18-29).
  • Proceed to Sardes, “the dead church”, another of the Seven Churches of Revelation. Jesus told Sardes, “I know thy works, that thou hast a name, that thou livest, and art dead”(Rev. 3: 1-6).
  • After visiting “the faithful church” of Philadelphia, we will stay overnight in Pamukkale.

3rd Day: Pamukkale and Laodicean Church

  • We will visit Pamukkale and Laodicea, the church chastised for being lukewarm, "You are neither cold nor hot" (Rev. 3: 15), and for being too comfortable incorporating pagan and Christian beliefs.
  • After the tour transfer to Kusadasi and stay overnight.aphrodisias pamukkale

4th Day: the Loveless Church, House of Virgin Mary and Church of St. John

We will visit Ephesus (“the loveless church”, the most important of the seven churches), House of Virgin Mary where she is said to have spent her final years and Basilica of St. John also known as Church of St. John the Theologian.

Please contact us if you need further information about our seven churches of revelation tour.


  • Meet up location: Any place in Izmir or Kusadasi.
  • End location: Back to Hotel in Kusadasi or Izmir.
  • Duration: 4 days

The Best Biblical Tour Guide for You!

Our Biblical tour guides are locals who have very good knowledge not only about the sights in the area, but also about the history of Christianity.

They are all fluent in English, and some of them guide also in other languages.

Have the best experience in Ephesus with our expert local guides...


  • As a young Catholic priest I was a little apprehensive to travel in a Muslim country with as much tensions as there has been in the recent past, but I was really looking forward to seeing the seven Churches which St John wrote to in the book of Revelations, as well as Mary’s house in Ephesus. I could not have been more impressed with your guide Ertunga’s knowledge and professionalism throughout the entire trip. I would have zero hesitations to go back or to recommend Ertunga as a tour guide. It as an incredible historical and spiritual experience.
    Frhecker Wichita, Kansas
  • Enjoyed our recent 22 day trip in Western Turkey visiting many Christian History sites. Ertunga was able to knit together much disparate info, suggesting changes as we went along to compensate for weather problems, etc. I would make the following recommendations: (1) Take Euros and Turkish Lira, not USA dollars, (2) Take eye drops and diarrhea tablets, and (3) Do not pet any cats or dogs – disease spreads rapidly. Best parts of the trip for me was Cappadocia and Priene.
    Swaby_commander - Helensvale, Avustralya
  • Our Biblical Tour of Turkey was more than what we had expected… And this was because of Ertunga and his impeccable planning and handling of our private tour. His stories made all the places we visited more alive….the ruins were impressive even dramatic but as Ertunga explained all these places to us these stones became living and breathing cities
  • Ertunga, was exceptional and his knowledge of history, Biblical sights, legends, myths was amazing and he had a wonderful sense of humour. We saw everything on our itinerary exactly as we had requested and the food and accommodation was great. We have no hesitation in recommending Ertunga as he made sure that we had and extremely comprehensive and fun filled trip and it was a true Turkish experience.
    Roger and Raini - Melbourne, Australia

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Some Questions

Where are the 7 churches located?

The Seven Churches of Revelation or The Seven Churches of Asia Minor are located in Anatolia, in the Aegean region of modern Turkey.

What are the 7 churches in the Bible?

According to the Book of Revelation, Jesus instructs John of Patmos to write letter to the Seven Churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

Who founded the seven churches in Asia Minor?

The Seven Churches in Asia Minor are actually the Christian communities that used to live in the ancient cities that had been founded in these lands in the pre-Christian era.

What does the number 7 mean in Revelation?

The number 7 has significance in all major religions. In Christianity, it is the symbol of the unity between the Holy Trinity and the four corners of the Earth. In the Book of Revelation it is frequently mentioned (seven churches, seven stars, seven angels…)